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Cyber Security for Programmers

Class Notes:

Class Description:

Back when I earned my MCSE in 2000 my instructor beat into our heads, "Good Administration IS Good Security". We were meant to build security into our infrastructure as simply one of the requirements along with AD, and DHCP. I miss those days...

Security should not be an add on consideration for your projects, nor are Zimbabwean Ninja Hackers your primary security worry. If you lock down the firewalls on your infrastructure, and a flood comes through and wipes out your server room... you still fail...

In this class we'll be discussing threat vectors, how to mitigate security issues, and how to sell security to the people that write the checks.

We'll talk about how to create layered defenses, and building resilience into your infrastructure so that even if there is a disaster your users will barely know anything happened.

The class will go over:

  • Permissions and Security

  • Patch Management

  • Supply Chain Attacks

  • Actual Floods...

  • Disaster Recovery vs. Backup Strategy

  • Public and Private Infrastructure

  • Layered Networking

  • VPN's vs SaaS

  • Zero Trust Environments- Operational vs Physical Security- and... Zimbabwean Ninja Hackers...


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