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HTML 5 API's with Javascript

Class Notes:

Class Description:

Steve Jobs had a dream... of all apps being web apps so that they wouldn't be installed on the device... The first iPhone didn't even allow for third party developers... and THEN he realized how much money an App Store could make...

Curiously built into modern web browsers is the ability for web apps to do many things coders think you can only do with native apps. With HTML 5 API's you can do amazing things with your web app, and not give away your voice to the tyranny of Big Tech.

In this class we'll go over how to access and use HTML 5 API's with Javascript and show you how your app can access local resources. These resources cost you nothing, require no license and simply require knowing how to use them.

We'll Discuss:

  • What HTML 5 API's are

  • How to use them with Javascript

  • Compatibility issues with browsers

  • Demonstrate a number of API's and explain how they work


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