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Javascript - Introduction

Class Notes:

Class Description:

Building web applications requires that you have an understanding of a number of programming languages. Python is a "back end" language that runs on the server and interacts with API's, Databases and the Servers Operating System. The language that makes Web Applications interactive is called JavaScript.

JavaScript allows a web page to dynamically change based on user activity in real time. You use JS to verify what the user puts into HTML forms appears to be correct. It allows aspects of the page to change based on events such as when a user clicks on something, releases a click, focuses on and more.

We'll learn about the DOM (Document Object Model) and explain the basics of giving a web app the ability to respond to users.

The class will go over:

  • What is Javascript

  • What is the DOM

  • Javascript Events

  • Javascript Methods

  • Why Javascript is a great tool, and why it can be a bad one...


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