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Python - Introduction

Class Notes:

Class Description:

In this class we'll discuss what Python is, why it's important, and TRY to help attendees setup their computers so that they will be able to begin coding in Python.

Python is the super glue of the digital world. You can use it to read from and write to files, communicate with the Operating System, access numerous database types, connect to API's, and much more. Whether you are planning to build a large project, are a sys admin and need to run simple admin tasks, or are even just a normal office worker Python can provide functionality to allow you to do your job.

It's actually a pretty easy language to learn, and if nothing else putting it on your resume won't be a bad thing!

The class will go over:

  • What Python is

  • Python3 vs Python2

  • Where Python fits into the tech world

  • What Modules are

  • What Frameworks are

  • Basic concepts for Syntax and Styling

  • What is required to make Python Work

Practical Work Will Include (Spaghetti Monster help us ;) )

  • Installing VSCode on Your System

  • Installing Python Extension in VSCode

  • Installing Python3 on Your System

  • Verifying that Python3 is working


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