Class Notes:
Class Description:
Programming is about data, the question is how to manage the data. Databases store text data and makes it easy to add, update and find data that you have stored.
OpenCV is a computer vision framework that you can easily use with Python. You can use it on live video, or on still images.
This class will explain how OpenCV works, how to install and run it on your computer and how to interact with it with Python.
You'll learn how to trigger events based on real time video input, and more.
You can train OpenCV to detect what you care about, and it runs locally so Big Tech doesn't spy on you. You can even run it on systems as small as Raspberry Pi's.
The class will go over:
Install OpenCV
Use Python to control OpenCV
Process Still Images
Process Live Video
Use HTML and CSS to create Bounding Boxes
and more...